Growing up, I realize, I didn't have some of the most foundational building blocks to know what to look for in a friend, how to be a friend, what to look for in a husband and how to think deeper in loving others. My thoughts and questions resounded only in my own mind leaving me to follow my peers in what to wear, how to be treated, how to think, who to impress, what to do, how to speak. I was lost, naive and left a trail of broken hearts along the way, including my own.
In this series, I am writing as if I could have written to a younger me. It is for those who are trying to navigate relationships. I believe this will be an ongoing topic as relationships are at the core of every human and the one that surpasses them all is the one you have with God, whether you believe in Him or not.
After running away from God the idea of who God was in my early twenties, diving head first into deeper destruction I began to seek for truth again in my mid-twenties. From the choice to seek Him, He has been more than willing to heal my heart, impart His wisdom and guide me to healthy relationships. In this journey I have had access to some of the most amazing leaders both in my life and online to help guide, shape and refine my mind on how to think clearly, connect deeper and act consciously.
Below is a 'tip of the iceburg' overview of the things that I learned past my youth. (Yes you can learn new things daily, the key is to always remain teachable and humble!)
Here's a few vids for those who are interested in improving themselves.
And of course! Here's my BFF below who has helped me to heal in my broken places too just by simply living out her life here on earth. She is such a great example to ladies!
I wish I had known how to navigate life when I was younger. I wish I had a mentor to walk through life with; to show me the wisdom of God's perfect provisions and how He values me. Nevertheless I am ever so grateful I didn't die in my darkest hours.
I'm so very thankful to embrace and celebrate womanhood the way God created it. I whole-heartedly encourage you to know your worth and the value of others. I leave you ladies and gentlemen with this: now that we have access to such great wisdom, what will you do with the wealth of knowledge concerning how valuable you are? Leave your thoughts, questions and sources on what has helped you to be the individual God created you to be.